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♥Stuff I Use♥
♥ Follow Me ♥
TUBE OF CHOICE: I used the fantastic artwork of Elias Chatzoudis.
You must purchase a license to use his art.
You can find Elias's art and get your license at:
SCRAPKIT: Princess Tales by Rieka Rafita.
This is a PTU kit. You can find it HERE.
FONT OF CHOICE: I used Precious for the name and “Cinderella”.
Trianti Solid LET for the text.
I used Photoshop for this tut.
In this tut we'll be using Noise to create sparklies.
If you don't wish to animate, just skip the steps marked **BLUE**.
Open a canvas, transparent, 600x600 pixels.
Open RR_Paper2.
We'll be using this paper for your frame.
Resize it to fit your canvas.
Open RR_Paper4.
Place this under Paper2.
Open RR_Sparkles3.
Duplicate this layer twice.
Move the second and third layers around a little.
Doing this will make the Sparkles appear to move during animation.
Open element RR_CrystalCurtains.
Resize to fit behind Paper2.
Center this and place a drop shadow.
Duplicate this layer twice.
Click on your first CrystalCurtains layer.
Go to Filter, Noise, Add Noise.
When the Noise window pops up
Type 19 in the box for Amount.
Check Uniform and Monochromatic.
Do the same for your next two layers of CrystalCurtains.
Second layer: 22 for Noise
Third layer: 25 for Noise.
Open RR_Castle.
Center within Paper2.
Open RR_Carriage.
Place in lower right corner.
Resize these to fit and place a drop shadow.
Open RR_Highheel.
Place in lower left corner, size to fit, drop shadow.
Now place your tube of choice on top of the Highheel.
Place drop shadow.
To make it look as though she is sitting in the shoe,
Place your tube exactly where you want her.
Next move your tube behind the Highheel.
With your tube layer highlighted
Start erasing on the outside of the shoe
Where her body would overlap.
Use my tag as a guide.
Now move your tube back on top of the Highheel.
My tube needed to have her chest covered.
You can skip this step if you don't need to cover anything.
Resize, place over chest area, add drop shadow.
Duplicate this layer twice.
Go to Filter, Noise, Add Noise.
Layer one: 29
Layer two: 30
Layer three: 31
These are the elements I used on top of Paper2:
Position and resize as you like, adding drop shadows.
We will be animating:
Duplicate each of these layers twice.
Noise for:
First layer, 25.
Second layer, 27.
Third layer, 29.
Crown1 and HeartCharm
First layers, 15.
Second layers, 17.
Third layers, 19.
Now click on TallBanner layer.
Make a new layer.
Type the name you want in the font you want.
I colored the eyedropper tool.
Click on the Highheel for choice of color.
I also used Stroke, Black, 1, Center.
Outerglow Screen 75%, ffffbe.
Size it to fit, rotate and position where you like.
I used the same effects on the rest of the text.
Resize your tag to the size of your liking.
You must now do this:
Put the artist's name, website, and your license number
of the tube you used on the siggy!!
Add your name (ie: Designed by Your Name) behind this info.
Make sure this info is legible and clearly seen.
If you don't want to animate, Save as PNG.
(If you want to maintain your layers
Always Save as PSD first.
Then you can save it as a PNG.
When doing both these steps
It is important to change the title of the tag.
When I Save as PSD,
I always name the tag what I want.
Then, when saving as a PNG,
I add the number 1 behind the name of the tag.
Like this:
Cinderella, Save as PSD
Cinderella1, Save as PNG
Otherwise, your PNG will overwrite your PSD
Merging your tag into one layer only.)
Open the Animation Window.
You will need four frames.
Set the time for .02.
For the first frame:
Show the first layers only of
Second frame:
Show only the second layers.
Third frame:
Show only the third layers.
Fourth frame:
Show only the second layers.
Save as PSD. Then Save for Web & Devises.
I hope you had fun with this tut!
*This tut was created by me, Redneck Tuts by Savage.
Any resemblance to any other is purely coincidental.*
TUBE OF CHOICE: I used the fab artwork of Jose Cano.
You must purchase a license to use his art.
You can find Jose's art and get your license at:
SCRAPKIT: Live Laugh Love by Rieka.
This is a PTU kit. You can find it HERE.
FONT OF CHOICE: I used Love.
I used Photoshop for this tut.
Let's have some fun!
Open a canvas, 600x600.
Open RR_Frames1.
Center, resize.
Make sure to leave room at the top
for your Wordart.
Open RR_Frames2.
Resize and move slightly upward.
Open RR_Frames3.
Again, resize and move this a tad up
and over to the left.
You should now have a layered look for your frames.
Open RR_Paper11.
Place behind all your frames,
You can use my tag for guidance.
Now go grab a soft eraser and erase Paper11 on the edges
to create a soft border around all the frames.
Open RR_Flowers4.
Place on top of Frames1 and under Frames2 and 3.
Duplicate this layer twice.
Move the copied layers,
One to the right and one to the left.
It should look like a little fence running the length of your frames.
Open your tube, place it on top of all the frames.
Center it.
Open RR_Lolipop2.
Place behind your tube.
Resize this and the remaining elements to fit.
Open RR_Lolipop1.
Rotate slightly.
Open RR_Lolipop3.
Rotate in opposite direction.
Open RR_Bow5.
Place in center of lolipop sticks.
On the top of the frames,
We'll use these elements:
Next, the Wordart:
Resize and place all wordart above the frames.
Open RR_Wordart1.
Open RR_Wordart2.
Open RR_Wordart3.
Make a new layer.
Using your font of choice, type your name.
I used the eye dropper tool for color.
Click on Lolipop3 to choose the color.
I used Stroke, white, outside, 3.
Place a drop shadow on all layers.
Resize your tag to the size you want.
You must now do this:
Put the artist's name, website, and your license number
of the tube you used on the siggy!!
Add your name (ie: Designed by Your Name) behind this info.
Make sure this info is legible and clearly seen.
Save as PSD. Save as PNG.
I hope you had fun with this tut!
*This tut was created by me, Redneck Tuts by Savage.
Any resemblance to any other is purely coincidental.*
Artist: ©Jose Cano http://jocachi.clanteam.com MPT1608
TUBE OF CHOICE: I used the beautiful artwork of Carrie Hall.
You must purchase a license to use her art.
You can find Carrie's art and get your license HERE.
SCRAPKIT: Gothic by Rieka Rafita.
This is a PTU kit. You can find it HERE.
FONT OF CHOICE: I used La Jolla ES.
I used Photoshop for this tut.
Ya ready? Here we go...
Open a canvas, 700x700 pixels, flood fill white.
Open RR_Paper5. Center on canvas.
Open RR_Frames2. Center and resize.
Now go grab a soft eraser and erase Paper5 on the edges
to create a soft border around Frames2.
Open your tube and center it in the frame.
With this tube, I had to do some erasing of the frame.
Here's a tip for easy erasing:
After placing your tube in the frame, duplicate the frame.
Move the copied frame layer above your tube.
Make sure the copied frame layer is highlighted.
Now go ahead and erase where your tube is overlapping the frame.
That's it! Easy, huh? LOL!
Open RR_Feather1.
Place behind your tube.
Rotate the feather, angling the tip toward the upper right of your tag.
Place it so the edges show past the edge of the frame.
Now we'll place some elements on top of your tube
But underneath the copied frame layer.
The easiest way to do this is to click on your tube layer.
We'll build your tag from here.
(For the rest of your tag,
Resize the elements to fit your siggy as you go along.)
Open RR_Banger.
Center this below the flowers on the the frame.
Open RR_Candle1.
Center this at the bottom of the frame, in the middle.
Open RR_Corset and place in the lower left corner.
Time to grab the eraser!
Click on the copied frame layer.
Erase the portion of the frame that runs up and down
covering the corset.
Be sure not to erase the corner itself or the flowers of the frame.
Click on the corset layer.
Open RR_Feather2.
Place in lower right corner.
Open RR_Flower6.
Place in lower right corner.
Open RR_Flower4.
Duplicate this layer and place the copy below Flower6.
Move this slightly up and toward the left.
Open RR_Butterfly2.
Place the butterfly by the flowers in the lower right corner.
Now click on the copied frame layer.
Open RR_Beadstring.
Resize and place in upper left corner of frame.
Open RR_Bow3.
Resize and place on top of Beadstring.
Place a drop shadow on all layers
EXCEPT for your copied frame layer.
Make a new layer.
Using your font of choice, type your name.
I used the eye dropper tool for color.
Click on the corset to choose the color.
I used Stroke, white, outside, 2.
Resize your tag to the size you want.
You must now do this:
Put the artist's name, website, and your license number
of the tube you used on the siggy!!
Add your name (ie: Designed by Your Name) behind this info.
Make sure this info is legible and clearly seen.
Save as PSD. Save as PNG.
I hope you had fun with this tut!
*This tut was created by me, Redneck Tuts by Savage.
Any resemblance to any other is purely coincidental.*
Artist: ©Carrie Hall www.nixisofworlds.net UpYourArt3655
TUBE OF CHOICE: I used the fabulous artwork of Jose Cano.
The tube I used also includes a close up.
You must purchase a license to use his art.
You can find Jose's art and get your license HERE.
SCRAPKIT: Devilish by Rieka Rafita.
This is a PTU kit. You can find it HERE.
I used Ariston.
I used Photoshop for this tut.
In this tut we'll be using Noise to make things sparkle.
If you don't wish to animate, just skip the steps marked with **BLUE**.
Open a canvas, white background, 650x650 pixels.
Open RR_Frames2.
Resize and center on canvas.
Open RR_Frames4.
Position near top of Frames2.
Open RR_Paper7.
Place behind Frames4.
Click on Frames4 layer.
Grab your Magic Wand.
Click inside the left frame of Frames4.
Now click on your Paper7 layer.
Go to your tool bar at the top of your screen.
Click Select, when the drop down menu shows, click Inverse.
Hit the Delete button on your keyboard.
Go back to Select.
Click Deselect.
Open your tube and place it on top of your layers.
Position tube over to the left.
Now open the close up of your tube.
Place this behind Frames4 and position in the left frame.
Place this close up toward the left inside the frame.
Copy this layer.
Move it over toward the right, inside the same frame.
For both of close up layers:
Right click, click on Blending Options.
Click Luminosity, 100%.
Now go back to your layer of Frames4.
Click it.
Grab your Magic Wand.
Click inside the left frame of Frames4.
Now go to your first close up layer and click it.
Go to Select, click Inverse.
Hit the Delete button on your keyboard.
Go back to Select and click Deselect.
Do this again for your second close up layer.
The elements I used on top of the Frames, behind the tube:
RR_LoveString (top left of Frames4)
Make a new layer on top of all layers.
Type the name you want in the font you want.
I used Ariston, color: black, Stroke 3, outside, fa0505.
You must now do this:
Put the artist's name, website, and your license number
of the tube you used on the siggy!!
Add your name (ie: Designed by Your Name) behind this info.
Make sure this info is legible and clearly seen.
If you don't want to animate, Save as PNG.
Duplicate HeartSwirl and GlitterTrail two times.
You should now have three layers of both.
Click on your first layer of GlitterTrail.
* Go to Filter (at the top of your screen), click it.
A drop down menu will appear.
Click Noise, then click Add Noise.
A window will pop up.
Type in 33 in the little box “Amount”.
Click OK.*
F0r the next two layers of GlitterTrail,
Repeat the steps marked *
(Make sure you've clicked the next layer first.)
For the second layer, type in 35.
Third layer, type in 37.
Now you'll do the HeartSwirl layers the same way.
Click the first layer.
Follow the steps marked *.
First layer, type in 15.
Second layer, type in 17.
Third layer, type in 19.
Open the Animation Window.
You will need four frames.
Set the time for .02.
For the first frame:
Show the first layer of the GlitterTrail and HeartSwirl.
Second frame:
Show the second layers of GlitterTrail and HeartSwirl.
Third frame:
Show the third layers of GlitterTrail and HeartSwirl.
Fourth frame:
Show the second layers of GlitterTrail and HeartSwirl.
Save as PSD. Then save it again as: Save for Web & Devices.
I hope you had fun with this tut!
*This tut was created by me, Redneck Tuts by Savage.
Any resemblance to any other is purely coincidental.*
Artist: ©Jose Cano http://jocachi.clanteam.com MPT1608
♥Tribute to Rieka♥
About Me

- Savage
- Hi Ya'll! I'm Savage and I'd like to welcome you to Redneck Tuts. These are not your ordinary tuts, as they are geared toward those of us that don't have "working knowledge" of Photoshop or PSP. My tuts are all done in PS. They are designed to show you different techniques that you may not know. I hope you learn something that you can use in your creations in the future. Please, just have fun and put your own spin on these tuts. Be original and shine! Love Ya! ♥