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♥Stuff I Use♥
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Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Often times when creating a tag
you will need to resize elements or tubes
to fit your creation.
You will first need to read the TOU
of the designer or artist to see if this is allowed.
Almost always, enlarging is a big no no.
You can reduce the size to fit your tag
but you cannot make it bigger.
Let's say you have a flower that is way too big for your tag.
You need to reduce its size.
With the flower layer highlighted in the Layer Palette,
Go up to your tool bar.
Look for the words:
Show Transform Controls
Check the little box next to it.
Now you'll see little squares around your flower in the work space.
In the center of that square is a tiny circle.
That marks the center of your flower.
I use that as a guide in resizing.
Left Click one of the squares or the circle.
Now you'll see your flower outlined in a square or rectangle.
Look up in your tool bar again.
You'll see its changed.
The X is the height in pixels.
The Y is the width.
These are the original dimensions of the flower.
Next to this, you'll see:
W 100%
H 100%
The 100% will be in a box.
These are what you will be changing.
Type in a different number where 100% is.
Make sure both the W and H numbers are the same.
This keeps the flower in proportion.
You may want to try different sizes
before deciding which size looks good.
I normally start with 75 and work down in numbers.
(You don't need to put the % sign in there.
It will do that automatically.)
When you get the size you want,
Hit Enter on your keyboard.
Now you'll need to click the arrow in your left tool bar.
(It should be the very top icon.)
A window will pop up.
There will be 3 options:
Don't Apply
Clicking Apply will lock in your changes.
Cancel will allow you to go back and make more changes.
Don't Apply will make the flower its original size.
If you like your changes,
Click Apply.
You just resized your flower!
Use these steps whenever you need to resize
elements or tubes.
Just make sure to check those TOUs first.
Hope this helps!
Labels:PS*Tips | 0
TUBE OF CHOICE: I used the fantastic artwork of
Keith Garvey.
You must have a license to use this art.
You can find this art and get your license HERE.
SCRAPKIT: Grey World by Dazzlin Divas Designs.
You can find it at Whimsical Divas HERE.
FONT OF CHOICE: I used BankScrD.
I used Photoshop for this tut.
In this tut we'll make the butterfly look like its flying,
make play with sparklies.
If you don't wish to animate, just skip the steps marked *BLUE*
Use my tag as a guide for placement of elements.
Open a canvas 700x700 pixels.
Flood fill with the color of your choice.
Open Paper4.
Resize to 90%.
Center on canvas.
Open Frame.
Place slightly toward top of canvas.
Open HeartCurtain.
Resize to 45%.
Duplicate this layer.
With this layer highlighted,
Right click in the Layer Palette.
When the pop up menu appears,
Click Merge Down.
Place and center behind frame.
Now go to Filter in your tool bar.
In the drop down menu,
Find Sharpen.
Click Sharpen Edges.
Duplicate this layer.
Highlight the first layer.
Go to Filter in your tool bar.
Click Noise.
Click Add Noise.
Set Amount to 15%
Check the Monochromatic box.
Hit OK.
For the second layer,
Repeat Noise steps.
Set Amount to 20%.
Check the Monochromatic box.
Open your tube.
Place behind Frame layer
but on top of HeartCurtain layer.
Position where you like.
I flipped mine Horizontally.
These are the elements I used:
Pin, resize to 35%
Flower, resixe to 35%
Duplicate this layer 3 times.
Flower1, resize to 35%
Duplicate this layer 3 times.
Place Flower & Flower1 layers across bottom of Frame.
String, resize to 50%
HeartString, resize to 35%
Rotate this layer 90 degrees Clockwise (90CW)
Ribbon, resize to 25%
Flip this layer Vertically.
Chrome, resize to 50%
Butterfly3, resize to 15%
Duplicate this layer.
Resize width on duplicated layer to 80%.
Leave height at 100%.
Open Sparkles2.
Resize to 75%
Duplicate this layer.
Flip the second layer Vertically.
If you are animating,
Duplicate both layers.
Highlight Paper4 layer.
Grab a soft edged eraser.
Erase around edges.
Place a drop shadow on all your layers except
all the Sparkles2 layers.
Resize the siggy to your liking.
Make a new layer.
Type your name on the taggie.
I used color b0946d.
Stroke, Center, 2, Black
I also used:
Drop Shadow
Bevel & Emboss
Outer Glow (color ffffbe)
Make two new layers.
On one layer type “Dream”
On the other layer type “of You”
Use the same text effects you used for your name.
You must now do this:
Put the artist's name, website, and your license number
of the tube you used on the siggy!!
Add your name (ie: Designed by Your Name) behind this info.
Make sure this info is legible and clearly seen.
If you don't want to animate, Save as PNG.
(If you want to maintain your layers
Always Save as PSD first.
Then you can save it as a PNG.
In the Layer Palette,
Hide the second layers of:
Sparkles2 layers
Open the Animation Window.
Set the time for .1
Show all visible layers in the first frame.
Click the square button, next to the trash can,
in the animation window.
This will duplicate the first animation frame.
Hit this square 4 more times.
You now have 6 frames of animation.
Highlight the second animation frame.
Go over to your Layer Palette.
Leave everything as is except:
Hide the first HeartCurtain layer.
Unhid the second HeartCurtain layer.
Now go back to your animation window.
Highlight frame 3.
In the Layer Palette,
Hide the second HeartCurtain layer.
Unhide the first layer.
Also unhide the second Sparkles2 layers.
All four layers of Sparkles2 should show.
Go back to the animation window.
Highlight the fourth frame.
In the Layer Palette,
Hide the first HeartCurtain layer.
Unhide the second one.
Hide the first Butterfly3 layer.
Unhide the second Butterfly3 layer.
Hide the second layers of Sparkles2 layers.
Now only the first Sparkles2 layers should show.
Highlight frame 5 in your animation window.
In the Layer Palette,
Leave everything as is except
Hide the second HeartCurtain layer.
Unhide the first layer.
Highlight frame 6 in the animation frame.
In your Layer Palette,
Unhide the second HeartCurtain layer.
Hide the first one.
Unhide the Sparkles2 layers.
All Sparkles2 layers should now show.
Click Play.
If you like what you see...
Save as PSD. Then Save for Web & Devises.
I hope you had fun with this tut
and that you can use the different techniques
in other taggies you create!
*This tut was created by me, Redneck Tuts by Savage.
Any resemblance to any other is purely coincidental.*
Artist: ©Keith Garvey www.garvgraphx.com PTE0041
Sunday, April 8, 2012
TUBE OF CHOICE: I used an Exclusive tube by
Alex Prihodko from Pics For Design.
You must have a license to use this art.
You can find this tube and get a license HERE.
SCRAPKIT: Be Still Heart by TK Designs.
You can find it HERE.
FONT OF CHOICE: I used Benjamin.
I used Photoshop for this tut.
Let's have some fun!
Open a new canvas, 700x700.
Transparent background.
Use my taggie as a guide for placement of elements.
Open pinkdotpaper.
Resize to 65%.
Place to your liking.
Open heartwingpaper.
Resize to 50%.
Place to your liking.
Open xoxopaper.
Resize to 45%.
Place to your liking.
I used these elements:
xoxobow, resize to 75%
doodleheart, resize to 50%
lipstamp, resize to 50%
blkflower, resize to 50%
iloveuglitter, resize to 50%
Place to your liking.
Now we'll work with our tubes.
Open your tube.
I resized mine to 75%.
(I'll call this layer your CU layer)
Duplicate this layer.
Resize duplicated layer to 50%.
Place duplicated layer to your liking.
Move your CU tube under pinkframe
but on top of bottomenvelope.
Place so face is inside bottomenvelope.
I flipped mine Horizontally.
Highlight bottomenvelope layer.
Grab your magic wand.
Click inside the envelope.
Highlight your CU tube layer.
Go to the toolbar at the top of your screen.
Click Select.
In the drop down meun,
Choose Inverse.
Now hit the Delete key on your keyboard.
Go back to Select.
Click Deselect.
With your tube layer still highlighted,
Go to the drop down arrow in the upper left corner of the Layer Palette.
Click the arrow.
Select Overlay.
Leave Opacity set at 100%.
Duplicate this layer.
Go back to the drop down arrow.
Choose Screen.
Leave the Opacity set to 100%.
To make your smaller tube look like
she's standing the frame:
Duplicate the tube layer.
Move the duplicated layer behind pinkframe.
Highlight the first tube layer.
Erase her legs around the labeled wordart on the frame.
Place a drop shadow on the duplicated layer only.
Place a drop shadow on the rest of your layers
except for the CU tube layers.
Resize your taggie to your liking.
Make a new layer.
Type your name.
I used Black.
Stroke: Outside, 3, color fc02ad
Drop Shadow
Outer Glow
You must now do this:
Put the artist's name, website, and your license number
of the tube you used on the siggy!!
Add your name (ie: Designed by Your Name) behind this info.
Make sure this info is legible and clearly seen.
Save as PSD to maintain layers.
Then save as PNG, remembering to use a number behind your sig title.
I hope you had fun with this tut!
*This tut was created by me, Redneck Tuts by Savage.
Any resemblance to any other is purely coincidental.*
Artist: ©Exclusive www.picsfordesign.com PFD_Savage
Labels:PTU TUTS | 0
Saturday, April 7, 2012
TUBE OF CHOICE: I used the awesome artwork of
You must have a license to use this art.
You can find this tube and get a license HERE.
SCRAPKIT: Hoppy Spring by Designs by Sarah.
You can find it HERE.
MASK: Mask19 by Savage SWAK.
You can snag it HERE.
FONT OF CHOICE: I used Amadeus Regular.
I used Photoshop for this tut.
FILTER: DSB Flux Filter Set
This is a free filter you can snag HERE.
We'll be making the background flash
and a couple things glitter in this tut.
If you don't wish to animate,
Skip the parts in Blue.
Let's have some fun!
Open a new canvas, 700x700.
Flood fill with color of choice.
I used White.
Use my taggie as a guide for placement of elements.
Open pp4.
Open pp3.
Center both on canvas.
Choose only one paper if not animating.
Open frame4.
Place to your liking.
Duplicate this layer.
Hide second layer.
Highlight the first frame4 layer.
Go to Filter in your tool bar.
Click Noise.
Add Noise.
Amount: 13
Check the box Uniform.
Unhide the second layer.
Repeat steps for Noise.
Amount: 16, Uniform.
Open pp9 and pp8.
(Only choose one paper if you are not animating.)
Center on canvas.
Hide pp8 for now.
Grab a soft edged eraser.
Erase the edges of your paper.
Repeat this for your other paper layer.
It doesn't matter if the edges aren't perfectly matched.
Open Mask19.
You'll see 4 layers in Mask19.
Only move the layer called Mask19a
onto your siggy.
Place this on top of your papers.
Resize Mask19a to 90%.
With this layer highlighted
hold your CTRL key down on your keyboard
and hit your mask icon in the layer palette
at the same time.
You'll see little marching ants now.
Highlight your pp9 layer.
Click the mask button
(this is a square with a circle in it)
at the bottom of the layer palette.
*You should have two pictures in your paper layer now.
One of your paper and one of the mask.*
Hide your mask layer.
Highlight pp9 layer.
Right click in the layer palette.
Hit Convert to Smart Object.
Right click again.
Click Rasterize Layer.
Now you can delete the gray mask layer.
Repeat the steps above for pp8 layer.
You should now have two layers of butterflies.
I used these elements:
tree, resize to 75%
basket, resize to 50%
egg1, 2, 3, 4 ~ resize all to 25%
grass, resize to 35%
spring bunny, resize to 50%
From the Bonus Cluster kit
I used:
Open your tube and place to your liking.
I resized mine to 35%.
Keep this layer highlighted.
Grab your Magic Wand.
While holding down the Shift key on your keyboard,
Click inside the wings of the fairy
and keep clicking until all of the wings
have marching ants around them.
Let go of the Shift key.
Go up to Edit in your tool bar.
Find Copy.
Click it.
Go back to Edit.
Click Paste.
You will now see another layer added
to your Layer Palette.
Rename this layer glitter wings1.
Duplicate this layer.
Name it glitter wings2.
Highlight glitter wings1 layer.
Go to Filter in your tool bar.
Scroll down and find
dsb flux.
Hold your mouse over that.
Now look for Bright Noise.
Click it.
Set your Intensity to 44.
Check the circle Mix.
Highlight glitter wings2 layer.
Go to Filter in your tool bar.
At the very top of the drop down menu,
you should see Bright Noise.
Click it once.
Place a drop shadow on your layers.
I did not place a drop shadow on:
glitter wings layers
egg layers
pp3 and pp4
Resize your taggie to your liking.
Make a new layer.
Type your name.
I used color e989b6.
Stroke: Outside, 2, color 5f133e.
Bevel & Emboss
Drop Shadow
Outer Glow (color ffffbe)
You must now do this:
Put the artist's name, website, and your license number
of the tube you used on the siggy!!
Add your name (ie: Designed by Your Name) behind this info.
Make sure this info is legible and clearly seen.
If you are not animating:
Save as PSD to maintain layers.
Then save as PNG, remembering to use a number behind your sig title.
Hide these layers in the Layer Palette:
frame4 duplicate layer
glitter wings2
Open the Animation Window.
Set the time for .2.
Show the rest of the layers in the first animation frame.
Click the square button, next to the trash can,
in the animation window.
This will duplicate the first animation frame
and make frame 2.
With animation frame 2 highlighted,
Go over to your Layer Palette.
Hide these layers:
frame4, the first layer
glitter wings1
Unhide the previously hidden layers.
Click Play.
If you like what you see...
Save as PSD. Then Save for Web & Devises.
I hope you had fun with this tut!
*This tut was created by me, Redneck Tuts by Savage.
Any resemblance to any other is purely coincidental.*
Artist: ©Sweet-PinUp www.sweet-pinup.de SPU-22SavFB
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♥Tribute to Rieka♥
To honor Rieka and all she has blessed me with, I will be leaving all my tuts that I have written with her kits on my blog. They are not coming down. Even though her kits are no longer available, the tuts I wrote using them are my tribute to her. Hopefully, they will inspire you the way Rieka inspired me. Love You, Rieka! You'll be forever in my heart.♥
About Me

- Savage
- Hi Ya'll! I'm Savage and I'd like to welcome you to Redneck Tuts. These are not your ordinary tuts, as they are geared toward those of us that don't have "working knowledge" of Photoshop or PSP. My tuts are all done in PS. They are designed to show you different techniques that you may not know. I hope you learn something that you can use in your creations in the future. Please, just have fun and put your own spin on these tuts. Be original and shine! Love Ya! ♥