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♥ Follow Me ♥
SCRAPKIT: Pinks for Girls by MistressV Signature Collections.
TUBE OF CHOICE: I used the awesome artwork of Elias Chatzoudis.
I used six different tubes of Elias.
You must have a license to use his art.
You can find Elias's art and get your license HERE.
SCRAPKIT: Emo Girls Rock Mix & Match Collab by Pimp'd Designz.
This is a PTU kit. You can find it HERE.
Elias – Exmouth
Rocks – A bite
Any Questions? - BroadwayComD
I used Photoshop for this tut.
Let's have some fun!
Open a canvas, transparent background, 650x650 pixels.
Open frame03. Center on canvas.
Open pp04.
Duplicate this layer and hide one layer for now.
Highlight frame03 layer.
Now grab your magic wand.
Click frame03 with your magic wand
until the entire frame has marching ants around it.
Highlight your visible pp04 layer.
*Go up and click on Select in your toobar.
Click Inverse.
Hit the Delete key on your keyboard.
Go back to Select.
Click Deselect.*
(We'll be repeating the steps marked * in this tut.
Please refer back to this when you see *.)
You now have a new color frame layer.
You can merge this down if you'd like.
Now we're going to put some things behind the frame.
Open pp01.
Highlight your frame layer.
Grab your magic wand.
Now click the upper left corner inside the frame.
Holding down the Shift key,
Click the lower right corner inside the frame.
Both these squares should now have “ants” around them.
Highlight pp01 layer.
Repeat * steps.
Open pp02.
Duplicate this layer.
Hide one layer.
Position the visible layer behind the frame in the lower left corner.
Play around with it until you like where the design is.
Highlight your frame layer.
Grab your magic wand and click inside the lower left corner.
Now highlight pp02 layer.
Repeat * steps.
Unhide and highlight your second pp02 layer.
Again, highlight the frame layer.
This time, use your magic wand inside the upper right corner.
Highlight your second pp02 layer.
Repeat * steps.
I used these elements behind the frame
but on top of the papers.
Print01 and 02
Glitter 1, 2, and 3
Next, I placed pd-frame-02 in the center of the frame.
Open pp06.
I used the magic wand on frame02.
Then highlight pp06 and repeat * steps.
Highlight the frame02 layer again.
Use your magic wand and click inside the top circle.
Unhide and highlight pp04, repeat * steps.
This is now ready for your tube placement.
We'll come back to this in a minute.
Open frame01.
Place it toward the bottom of your sig.
Open pp03.
Highlight frame01 layer.
Grab that magic wand.
Holding the Shift key down,
Click the inside of all four film frames.
Highlight pp03 layer and repeat * steps.
This is now ready for your tube placements.
Open your main tube and place it in the center of your siggy.
Now open your other tubes.
Play with the placement until you are happy with them.
A good way to do this is place them behind the frames.
That way, you can see what it will look like when you're done.
When you're happy with placement,
Highlight frame02.
Grab the magic wand and click inside that top circle.
Highlight your tube that goes there.
Repeat * steps.
While you're here, duplicate this tube.
Click on the first layer of this tube.
Right click, go to Blending Options.
Click Luminosity, 100%.
Highlight your second layer of this tube.
Right click again, Blending Options.
Click Screen, 100%.
Now go to frame01 layer, highlight it.
Magic wand, click on one open frame square.
(I start on the left and work my way toward the right.
Do whatever you are comfortable with.)
Highlight your tube layer that goes in that square.
Repeat * steps.
Do this for all four squares.
Ok. Now for each tube in frame01, do this:
One at a time, highlight the tube layer.
Right click, Blending Options.
Click Luminosity, 100%.
Your tube work in done.
Time to go nuts with the elements!
Play around!
This is the fun part!
Resize, duplicate and rotate any element you choose.
I used these and placed them behind my main tube:
star01 and 02
I placed a drop shadow on my main tube only.
To make the elements stand out,
I used different colored Outerglows and Strokes.
When you're happy with your sig,
Make a new layer.
Now you will be doing the text.
Use my sig as a guide.
I had three layers of text:
One for: Elias
One for: Rocks
One for: Any Questions?
I used a Gradient Overlay, Outerglow and Stroke.
Just play around til you're happy.
If you'd like, you can add a name.
You must now do this:
Put the artist's name, website, and your license number
of the tube you used on the siggy!!
Add your name (ie: Designed by Your Name) behind this info.
Make sure this info is legible and clearly seen.
Save as PSD to maintain layers.
Then save as PNG, remembering to use a number behind your sig title.
I hope you had fun with this tut!
*This tut was created by me, Redneck Tuts by Savage.
Any resemblance to any other is purely coincidental.*
Artist: ©Elias Chatzoudis www.elias-designs.gr PTE0041
♥Tribute to Rieka♥
About Me

- Savage
- Hi Ya'll! I'm Savage and I'd like to welcome you to Redneck Tuts. These are not your ordinary tuts, as they are geared toward those of us that don't have "working knowledge" of Photoshop or PSP. My tuts are all done in PS. They are designed to show you different techniques that you may not know. I hope you learn something that you can use in your creations in the future. Please, just have fun and put your own spin on these tuts. Be original and shine! Love Ya! ♥