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♥Stuff I Use♥
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Friday, September 30, 2011
TUBE OF CHOICE: I used the beautiful artwork of
Barbara Jensen.
You must have a license to use her art.
You can find her art and get your license HERE.
SCRAPKIT: Autumn Romance Collab
This is a set of five kits (PTU).
The designers include:
Grunge and Glitter
*G&G's kit is no longer part of the collab.
Please see the note on my home page.*
*G&G's kit is no longer part of the collab.
Please see the note on my home page.*
Designs by Sarah
Pimp'd Designz
PolkaDot Scraps
TK Dezigns
You can find it HERE.
FONT OF CHOICE: I used Cynthia Script ES.
I used Photoshop for this tut.
In this tut we'll be learning how to make leaves fall.
If you don't wish to animate, just skip the steps marked *BLUE*
Because we're using 5 different kits,
I will refer to the elements like this:
gg-*** = Grunge and Glitter
sb-*** = Designs by Sarah kit
pd-*** = Pimp'd Designz kit
PDS-*** = PolkaDot Scraps kit
tk-*** = TK Dezigns kit
Open a canvas, 700x700 pixels.
Flood fill with color of your choice.
Open sb-pp2.
Center on canvas.
Grab a soft edged eraser.
Erase around the edges
to create a soft edge.
We're going to make the frame now.
Open tk-crumplepaperstrip.
Resize to 50%.
Move this to the upper right of your tag.
Duplicate this layer.
Flip Horizontally.
Move this strip over to the top left.
Make sure they overlap a little.
Highlight the first layer of crumplepaperstrip.
Right click in your Layer Palette.
When the menu pops up,
Select Merge Down.
This is the top of your frame.
Duplicate this layer.
Flip Vertically.
Move this layer to the bottom of your tag.
Line up the ends of this strip
with the strip at the top.
This will be the bottom of your frame.
Duplicate this layer.
Flip 90 degrees CW (clockwise).
Move to the left of your tag.
Line this up with the top & bottom
of your frame
so the corners overlap just a bit.
You now have three sides to your frame.
Duplicate this layer.
Flip 180 degrees.
Move this to the right side of your frame.
Your frame should be complete now.
Highlight the first layer of your frame (top).
Right click in the Layer Palette.
Choose Merge Down.
Continue to Merge Down
until all four layers of your frame become one.
Open pd-heartwreath.
Resize to 80%.
Place in upper left corner.
Duplicate this layer.
Resize to 80% again.
Place in lower right corner.
Use my tag as a guide for placement of elements.
These are the elements I used:
Flip Horizontally.
PDS-ribbon2, resize to 45%
Flip Horizontally.
gg-leaves, resize to 90%
sb-pumpkin, resize to 50%
gg-acorn, resize to 65%
Flip Horizontally.
pd-apple, resize to 20%
pd-accorn, resize to 40%
*If you are animating,
place this layer at the very top of your sig
so very little shows.
You will be making this layer move.*
For these next elements,
place them randomly.
We will merge these when done.
PDS-fallleaf, resize to 20%
tk-leafred, resize to 25%
tk-leafgreen, resize to 20%
tk-leaforange, resize to 20%
pd-leaves 02, resize to 20%
gg-flower1, resize to 15%
gg-flower2, resize to 15%
You can duplicate any of these layers
if you'd like.
Place randomly on your siggy.
We will merge these in a minute.
Open your tube.
Place in center of tag.
Rearrange the leaves & flower layers
you just did to your liking.
I made sure none of them were directly
behind my tube.
Highlight the first layer of your random leaves.
For me, this was PDS-fallleaf.
Right click in the Layer Palette.
Choose Merge Down.
Continue doing this until all the leaves & flowers
are merged together to form one layer.
*If you are animating,
you will be making this layer move.
We'll refer to it as the leaf layer.*
I used these elements on top of my tube:
gg-leaves2, resize to 25%
Flip Horizontally.
PDS-flower1, resize to 30%
sb-flower1, resize to 90%
I erased the top part of sb-flower1
where my tube's fingers were.
There's an easy way to do this:
Move your tube layer on top of the flower layer.
Highlight the flower layer.
Grab your eraser.
Erase where the fingers are.
You may need to use different sizes of eraser
to get the finger tips and nails.
You can also zoom up to 200%
to see the detail of the fingers better.
When you're done erasing,
zoom back to 100%.
Move your tube back beneath the flower layer.
Place a drop shadow on all layers
except sb-pp2.
Resize the tag to your liking.
Make a new layer.
Type your name on the taggie.
I used color f7ae39.
I used:
Bevel & Emboss
Outer Glow
(color 910307)
Make a new layer.
We'll make the word art now.
I used the same font as my name.
I also made one new layer for each word.
Fall Into Sexy
So I ended up with three layers for the word art.
I used the same text effects on all layers.
You can place these wherever you like.
Color e83b3c.
Bevel & Emboss
Outer Glow
(color fbe373)
You must now do this:
Put the artist's name, website, and your license number
of the tube you used on the siggy!!
Add your name (ie: Designed by Your Name) behind this info.
Make sure this info is legible and clearly seen.
If you don't want to animate, Save as PNG.
(If you want to maintain your layers
Always Save as PSD first.
Then you can save it as a PNG.
When doing both these steps
It is important to change the title of the tag.
When I Save as PSD,
I always name the tag what I want.
Then, when saving as a PNG,
I add the number 1 behind the name of the tag.
Like this:
Fall Into Sexy, Save as PSD
Fall Into Sexy1, Save as PNG
Otherwise, your PNG will overwrite your PSD
Merging your tag into one layer only.)
Open the Animation Window.
Set the time for .2
Click the square button, next to the trash can,
in the animation window.
This will duplicate the first animation frame.
You will now have frames 1 & 2.
Highlight frame 2 in the animation window.
Now go over to your Layer Palette.
Highlight your leaf layer.
Move down to your liking.
Highlight sb-scatter1 layer.
Move this down to your liking.
Where you move these two layers
is where they will stop falling.
Now go back to your animation window.
Highlight frame 1.
See that icon that looks like a slanted row of squares?
Place your cursor over it.
It will say: Tweens Animation Frames.
Click it.
A new window pops up.
Use these settings:
Click OK.
You should now have 12 frames of animation.
Go ahead and click Play
to see your layers float.
If you like what you see...
Save as PSD. Then Save for Web & Devises.
I hope you had fun with this tut
and that you can use this technique
in other taggies you create!
*This tut was created by me, Redneck Tuts by Savage.
Any resemblance to any other is purely coincidental.*
Artist: ©Barbara Jensen www.eroticartistgallery.com BJ2597
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
TUBE OF CHOICE: I used the fantastic artwork of
You must have a license to use this art.
You can find this art and get your license HERE.
SCRAPKIT: Gentlemens Club by Pimp'd Designz.
You can find it HERE.
FONT OF CHOICE: I used Ekaterina Velikaya Two.
I used Photoshop for this tut.
In this tut we'll make money float down.
If you don't wish to animate, just skip the steps marked *BLUE*
Use my tag as a guide for placement of elements.
Open a canvas 700x700 pixels.
Flood fill with the color of your choice.
Open pp 08.
Center on canvas.
Grab a soft edged eraser.
Erase around the edges.
I used these elements:
box, increase size to 110% in height only.
Frame 03
ribbon 02, flip Vetically
heart, resize to 30%
Duplicate this layer.
charm, resize to 80%
Open money.
Duplicate this layer.
Highlight the first layer.
Resize to 25%.
Duplicate this layer 8 times.
Place these layers randomly on your tag.
I rotated mine slightly.
When you have them where you like,
merge these layers together.
Go to your top layer.
Highlight it.
Right Click in the Layer Palette
and choose Merge Down.
Continue to do merge until all 9 layers are one.
Highlight the original money layer.
Resize to 90%.
Duplicate this layer 3 times.
Open frame 04.
Center at bottom of tag.
Now we'll put the money inside this frame.
Hide all but one 90% money layer.
Place the visible money layer inside frame 04.
Use my tag as a guide.
You'll be doing this for the other money layers too.
Position so one part of the money
is showing in one part of the frame.
Now highlight frame 04 layer.
Grab your magic wand.
Click inside the frame where you placed the money.
Highlight the visible money layer.
Go to your tool bar.
Click Select.
Choose Inverse.
Hit the Delete key on your keyboard.
Go back to Select.
Click Deselect.
Repeat these steps for the other 3 money layers.
When you're done,
you will have a money pic inside
all four parts of frame 04.
These are the other elements I used:
flower 02, resize to 50%
Duplicate this layer twice.
flower 01, resize to 50%
Duplicate this layer.
Star 02
diamonds 02
kiss, resize to 35%
Duplicate this layer.
Merge down.
Place a Stroke on the merged layer.
Use these settings.
color: fff8fd
Click OK.
Open star 01.
Position where you like.
*If you are animating:
Duplicate this layer twice.
Leave the first layer as is.
Highlight the second layer.
Go to Filter in your tool bar up on top.
Choose Distort.
Click Diffuse Glow.
A window will come up.
Use these settings:
(the numbers are 8, 4, 4)
Click OK.
Highlight your third star o1 layer.
Go to Filter.
Diffuse Glow.
Use these settings:
(the numbers are 6, 12, 8)
Click OK.
Now highlight your first star 01 layer.
Place an Outer Glow on it
with these settings:
Click OK.
With this layer still highlighted,
Right Click in the Layer Palette.
When a menu comes up,
Choose Copy Layer Style.
Highlight your second star 01 layer.
Right click again.
Choose Paste Layer Style.
Do this again for your third layer.*
Open your Close Up tube.
Place this behind star 01 layer.
Position where you like.
Grab an eraser.
Erase any portion of the tube
extending outside the star.
Open light 02.
Place this between star 01 and
your Close Up tube layers.
Open your regular sized tube.
Place to your liking.
Place a drop shadow on all layers except:
pp 08
the money layers inside frame 04
light 02
your Close Up tube
star 01
Resize your siggy to your liking.
Make a new layer.
Type your name.
I used color 791775.
Stroke: Outside, 3, color f9bced
I also used a drop shadow.
You must now do this:
Put the artist's name, website, and your license number
of the tube you used on the siggy!!
Add your name (ie: Designed by Your Name) behind this info.
Make sure this info is legible and clearly seen.
If you don't want to animate, Save as PNG.
(If you want to maintain your layers
Always Save as PSD first.
Then you can save it as a PNG.
When doing both these steps
It is important to change the title of the tag.
When I Save as PSD,
I always name the tag what I want.
Then, when saving as a PNG,
I add the number 1 behind the name of the tag.
Like this:
Million $$ Kisses, Save as PSD
Million $$ Kisses1, Save as PNG
Otherwise, your PNG will overwrite your PSD
Merging your tag into one layer only.)
Open your animation window.
Set the time for .2
Go to your Layer Palette.
Highlight your merged money layer.
Place this layer where you want
the money to begin floating from.
Go back to the animation window.
Click the square button, next to the trash can,
in the animation window.
This will duplicate the first animation frame.
You will now have frames 1 & 2.
Highlight frame 2 in the animation window.
Now go over to your Layer Palette.
Highlight the merged money layer.
Go to your canvas and
Move the money down toward
the bottom of your tag.
Where you move the money
is where it will stop falling.
Now go back to your animation window.
Highlight frame 1.
See that icon that looks like a slanted row of squares?
Place your cursor over it.
It will say: Tweens Animation Frames.
Click it.
A new window pops up.
Use these settings:
Click OK.
You should now have 14 frames of animation.
Go ahead and click Play
to see your money fall.
Ok. Time to finish animating.
All you need to do now is the star 01 layer.
Below is which layer you will show in each animation frame.
Frame 1: star 01 – first layer
Frame 2: star 01 – second layer
Frame 3: star 01 – third layer
Frame 4: star 01 – second layer
Frame 5: star 01 – first layer
Frame 6: star 01 – second layer
Frame 7: star 01 – third layer
Frame 8: star 01 – second layer
Frame 9: star 01 – firstlayer
Frame 10: star 01 – second layer
Frame 11: star 01 – third layer
Frame 12: star 01 – second layer
Frame 13: star 01 – first layer
Frame 14: star 01 – second layer
If you like what you see...
Save as PSD. Then Save for Web & Devises.
I hope you had fun with this tut
and that you can use the these techniques
in other taggies you create!
*This tut was created by me, Redneck Tuts by Savage.
Any resemblance to any other is purely coincidental.*
Artist: ©verymany www.picsfordesign.com PFD_Savage
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♥Tribute to Rieka♥
To honor Rieka and all she has blessed me with, I will be leaving all my tuts that I have written with her kits on my blog. They are not coming down. Even though her kits are no longer available, the tuts I wrote using them are my tribute to her. Hopefully, they will inspire you the way Rieka inspired me. Love You, Rieka! You'll be forever in my heart.♥
About Me

- Savage
- Hi Ya'll! I'm Savage and I'd like to welcome you to Redneck Tuts. These are not your ordinary tuts, as they are geared toward those of us that don't have "working knowledge" of Photoshop or PSP. My tuts are all done in PS. They are designed to show you different techniques that you may not know. I hope you learn something that you can use in your creations in the future. Please, just have fun and put your own spin on these tuts. Be original and shine! Love Ya! ♥
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